Does this apply to me?

You don’t need to answer yes to all of these questions. But even one yes can mean your pain may be neuroplastic in origin.

  • Have you had ongoing persistent pain that hasn’t responded to medical treatment?

  • Have you had an accident or injury, and the pain has lingered on well after the normal healing time?

  • Does your pain move to various parts of the body? E.g. Does it move up or down the leg? Does it migrate to the other side? 

  • Does your pain increase when thinking about doing a certain activity or movement?

  • Did your symptoms begin without a physical cause (injury/trauma to the body)?

  • Does your pain increase when you are under greater stress or in anticipation of a stressful event?

  • Have you had multiple different symptoms over the course of your lifetime?

  • Does your pain improve for short periods of time with treatment such as massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, reiki, supplements etc?

  • Does your MRI show normal abnormalities such as disc bulge, disc degeneration, herniation, stenosis?  

  • Are your symptoms in a distribution pattern that is symmetric?  

  • Have your symptoms spread over time to different parts of the body?

  • Do you have symptoms that occur in many different body parts at the same time?

  • Do your symptoms shift from one body part to another?

  • Do your symptoms have a tingling, electric, burning, numb, hot or cold qualities?

  • Do your symptoms occur after, but not during an activity or exercise?  

  • Do your symptoms decrease or disappear when you are engaged in joyful or distracting activities?

  • Are your symptoms triggered by things not related to your actual trigger Eg foods, smells, sound, light, computer screens, changes in the weather?

  • Do you catastrophise about your symptoms and will you do anything to make them go away?

  • Are you frequently frustrated by the pain? Do you try to fix it, fight it, figure it out?