What do I need to know to find freedom?
I need to know that I am good enough. I need to know that I have enough energy, ability, resources, courage, strength, wisdom and a clear mind to do what I need to do in life.
That I don’t have to be perfect, that I don’t even have to be productive to earn favour or recognition. I can truly rest in who I was made to be. I can live freely and lightly. I can allow the Holy Spirit to guide me. I can take the pressure off. There is no deadline, there is no measuring stick for success. There is no comparing or competing. There is only living my life one foot in front of the other doing what I can to walk this path of life. I get to surrender and allow life to happen around me. I get to ride the waves, the ups and the downs, I get to find out more of myself. I get to love and live. I get to learn and grow. I get to fail and over come challenges. I get to be who God created me to be. So, it is time to let go of the fear. It is time to step out of the box and the way I think things should go. It is time to surrender and stop fighting in life. It is time to be FREE.